Children’s day in India – celebration, speech 2021

A day full of joy and happiness among the children. It is a day celebrated all over the country with full pop and show. On this day children feel special and are treated with full of love and respect. In this article let’s talk about Children’s day.

History of Children’s Day in India

Following Chacha Nehru’s demise, the Indian Parliament enacted a resolution designating the very first PM of India’s birthday as Children’s Day.

This was accomplished because he was quite popular among the children. Before Nehru’s demise, India observed Children’s Day around November 20 in conjunction with the UN’s Universal Children’s Day.

To help promote public awareness of the freedoms and development of youngsters, Children’s Day is observed on November 14 each year. On the same Day during 1889, India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, was born.

The Prime Minister, affectionately referred to as Chacha Nehru amongst youngsters saw children as the true strength of a country and community cornerstone. Children’s Day 2020 would be held amid a coronavirus epidemic.

Schools across India organize entertaining and motivational events to commemorate Chacha Nehru’s birthday, such as a fancy dress contest, recitation, and extemporaneous speaking speech.

The Importance of Children’s Day in 2021

Apart from paying honor to the first PM of India, Children’s Day promotes children’s liberties, care, and literacy. “The younger generations will create India beyond tomorrow,” Chacha Nehru stated. How we raise children will define the nation’s future.”

Thus, the very first Prime Minister of our country had a real direction of what modernized India must seem like, and he moved out to achieve it by constructing strong pillars that would sustain the freshly independent nation at the time.

The true meaning of Children’s Day would be to recognize the value of childhood in everyday lives. Childhood must be appreciated since the concepts and practices gained as a youngster are responsible for who he or she develops in the hereafter.

This Day serves as a reflection to all adults regarding children’s rights to a carefree upbringing and basic schooling for a brighter future.

When is National Children’s Day celebrated?

Every year around November 14, the annual birth celebration of India’s first PM, Jawaharlal Nehru, is observed as Children’s Day.

Why do we make Children’s Day?

As an honor to Jawaharlal Nehru, Children’s Day is observed. Nehru was born on November 14, 1889, affectionately nicknamed ‘Chacha Nehru.’ Nehru was well-known for his fondness for children. In 1955, he additionally founded the Children’s movie Society India to produce local cinema for children.

Who was the originator of Children’s Day?

Before 1964, India made Children’s Day annually on November 20. (the United Nations celebrates it on this Day.) But after Pandit Nehru’s demise in 1964, this was agreed that his birthday would be honored as Children’s Day.

As well as being a capable administrator, Nehru pushed for the development of several of India’s most prestigious higher education institutions. His idea resulted in the creation of AIIMS, IIT, and IIM.

Nehru has given a heritage of literacy to India’s youngsters. It was said by him that: ” bright children of today are tomorrow’s future. The manner in which we raise children will define the country’s future.”

Who referred to Nehru as ‘Chachaji’?

There is no known explanation why Nehru was referred to as ‘Chachaji.’ However, it is stated that his passion for kids was a significant factor in the phrase’s creation.

Another widely held belief is that Nehru was quite close to Mahatma Gandhi, who he thought to be his bigger brother. While Gandhi became renowned as ‘Bapu,’ Nehru became known as ‘Chachaji.’

Is there a holiday for Children’s Day?

Children’s Day isn’t a legally recognized holiday. On the opposite, schools host various events, including competitions, song and culture performances, and other activities to commemorate the Day.

What are the children’s rights?

Children’s rights, as per the Indian Constitution, involve:

  1. All children aged 6 to 14 have access to free and obligatory primary education.
  2. The right to be shielded from any potentially hazardous employment.
  3. Early infant care and schooling are fundamental human rights.’The right to be safe from abuse.’
  4. Right to be shielded from the economic pressure to enter occupations unsuitable for their age or strength.
  5. The right to equal opportunity and facilities for healthy development
  6. The right to liberty and dignity and the protection of children and teenagers from exploitation are all guaranteed.

Celebrations for Children’s Day in India

Throughout India, Children’s Day is observed with joy in educational institutions. On Children’s Day, there are many numerous events taking place across the country.

The majority of them are pretty priced and organized with children of various ages in mind. So pick an activity that appeals to your children’s choices; they will undoubtedly have an enjoyable and memorable day.

1. Toys, candy

Toys, candy, and gifts are given to children in an attempt to create their Day memorably. This year’s coronavirus epidemic will coincide with chacha Nehru’s birth anniversary celebration.

2. Plan a Social Event in Your Neighborhood

You can also arrange a community event that includes all children, irrespective of their financial situation or family history. When given a stage and the freedom to choose, children love to engage and perform.

3.Make a Plan for a Surprise Picnic

Picnics are a favorite way for children to enjoy any special occasion. You could plan this at any nearby park or travel to the next beach or other naturally beautiful location. Don’t forget to take some entertaining games for your kids to ensure that they all have a great time.

4. Put on a costume in honor of Children’s Day.

You and your kids can wear costumes in Children’s Day costumes. So, dress as pirates and start on a grand adventure. You could also dress up as Pandit Nehru and invest time with youngsters in your community or go to a charity to aid children in need.

5. Plan Children’s Attention Games

You could hide something fascinating and divide your society’s children into two groups to uncover the treasure. The victorious team will receive a reward or lunch at your home or whatever you like to present. Plan entertaining games while keeping the age range of the youngsters in your gathering in consideration.

6. Take a Camping Trip

Make a gathering of children within your community and go outdoors. For this purpose, you could use your garden. Parents will be reassured of their children’s protection as a result of this. If you like, you can also invite the children’s parents to participate.

7. Decorate the Home in a Novel Way

You can stage a power outage so that you really can adorn the apartment with candlelight. Then, in the night, you could play with flashlights and tell encouraging stories. Investigate the house as if it were a cave.

8. Host a Movie Night

Arrange a kid’s movie session with a few of your child’s pals. You can host the gathering at home, turn on your soundbar, cook some popcorn, and spend the Day among your children.

9.Plant a Flower Plant

The best present you can provide your child is to encourage their appreciation for nature. So plant some trees or, at the very least, a flowering plant with your kid this Children’s Day to commemorate the occasion while also contributing to the preservation of our environment.

10. Make a cake with your children

Allow your child to choose the flavor and include her in the cake-making process. Invite her buddies so that she can have a great time with them. You can make your cupcakes or customize pre-made ones. Just remember that the main goal is to have enjoyment and spend some time together. Will not become preoccupied with the finished product.

With so many options, one of those above will undoubtedly impress you. The far more important thing to remember here is that commemorating Children’s Day entails spending quality time and expressing love with kids.

They might be your children or kids from a nearby institution. Make a journey to a slum area and provide gifts to the youngsters there. Your kids will love and recollect this exercise as well.

Children’s day speech

The best children’s day speech is prepared for you to read.

Respected, Mr. Principal sir, teachers, and all my fellow friends,

We have come here today to commemorate Children’s Day, the birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s very first Prime Minister. Pandit Nehru, born on November 14, was adored by youngsters and was affectionately known as Chacha Nehru.

He was a notable leader and a stronger freedom warrior who battled hard for India’s sovereignty and swore the oath of office as the nation’s first prime minister in 1947. He was the nation’s prime minister for much more than sixteen years, to make India a global leader.

During his administration, he fought for compulsory schooling for kids and was outspoken about their liberties. However, he trusted in the notion that children are indeed the country’s future, and therefore it is critical to properly raise and educate them.

Children’s Day involves more than just providing gifts to kids and organizing activities for them. This is a time to recognize their significance in-country and to offer them the chance to spread their feathers and fly higher to attain their objectives.

He always believed that it must be every country’s responsibility to provide its children with good schooling and to guarantee their wellbeing.

Every country must educate their young minds since their the nation’s future and its growth depend on them. Pandit Nehru said, “Today’s children are tomorrow’s future. The manner in which kids are raised will influence the country’s future.”

Hence, on this Children’s Day, let us commit to ensuring that every kid in this country has equal rights, protection, and high-quality education. This brings my discourse to a close. Thank you so much, everyone, and have a beautiful Children’s Day!

Few new ideas to celebrate children’s day in India

Here are a few ideas for instructors to commemorate Children’s Day alongside their students who will wow them.
1. Change positions: For one day, swap the student-teacher responsibilities. Allow your pupils to take the lead. Allow them to teach anything they want. Children have a distinct perspective on the world. Rather than the usual topics, ask them to create a new one and present it to the classroom.

2. Host a cookout: At school, students eat lunches with their group of pals. Potlucks are an excellent way for students to meet people outside of their buddy group while also allowing the entire class to enjoy a meal collectively.

In the instance of a potluck, nevertheless, you must carefully manage the gathering so that no kid ends up performing more labor than is needed. Please make a list of easy-to-make meals or lunch products and allocate them to several pupils.

3. Outdoors picnic: The tried-and-true method of celebrating Children’s Day. You may take your pupils on a picnic outside. Select the location nearby. Make provisions for food and outdoor activities that youngsters may enjoy together.

4. Personalize the classroom: You may make an art panel or enable the students to design and execute the decorating if you presently have one.

Allow the students to pick a theme and redecorate the panel and the classroom accordingly. Make sure that each kid participates and learns the benefits of working in a team.

5. Talent show: Host a talent/fashion display for students. Make it clear to kids that just singing and dancing are not considered talents and that they may demonstrate whatever skill they want.

Encourage pupils to take part. Students may demonstrate their coin collection to the classroom, tell tales about their trip, or discuss a unique event they experienced.

Instead of reserving the awards for the winners, urge kids to draft a “thank you” letter to all of the artists they enjoyed. This would not only inspire more kids to achieve without fear of failure, but it would also enhance student bonds.

Significance of Children’s Day

Nowadays, children’s age will shape tomorrow’s India. “How we raise them will decide the destiny of the country,” said Jawaharlal Nehru in remarks that will be recalled for generations.

He committed his life to ensure that every kid has the essential right to be educated and he fought diligently to strengthen the establishment of numerous educational facilities in India.

The brick & mortar cornerstone, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), embodies Chacha Nehru’s goals, a stride towards constructing a promising future for the youngsters. Indian Institutes of Management is another of his ideas that have come to fruition.

While the Day is still significant Today, we should take a minute to reflect on how successfully the rights granted to children are applied for each kid’s benefit. And whether they must be acknowledged or emphasized solely on this Day is a problem we must address ourselves.

In classrooms and children’s facilities, the Day is observed with zeal. Toys, chocolates, and gifts are presented to youngsters, and every effort is made to make it unique for them. However, as individuals, we must also consider the wider picture.

Is each child in the nation able to exercise his or her fundamental freedom to education, medical care, and a family? Is there no evidence of child abuse? Is the scourge of child labor entirely eradicated? If not, the best we could do is raise awareness among parents and encourage them to provide their children with an atmosphere in which they can flourish.

To accept responsibility for instilling in their ideals of regard and identity, as well as allowing them to develop their own ideas rather than borrowing them from others. And, most importantly, not distinguishing between a female and a boy infant.

Our advice to the kids must be to resist peer pressure, to achieve to the best of their abilities, and no need to be afraid to seek help when dealing with stressful psychological conditions and challenges. Modern India is now exposed to opportunities in education, ideas, and growth.

Our generation, driven by enthusiasm and excitement, has strong opinions; the best approach to aid them is to provide them an incentive and direction to explore their interests.

The preceding will reintroduce the importance of Children’s Day. Let’s all commit to keeping the motivation strong and actionable in order to appreciate the Day that kids and children are entitled to in its fullest sense. It may merely be a day, November 14, yet let it breed a seed that will bear fruit in the years ahead.

International Children’s Day

A world convention for the overall well-being of kids was held in 1925, and the notion of honoring a special day for youngsters was established. The United Nations proposed November 20 being the Universal Children’s Day.

It was formed to motivate all nations to impose a day, to build a social exchange and awareness between children, and to implement change to support and promote the well-being of the entire world’s children as well as to raise knowledge of all children worldwide who have been exposed to torture in the shapes of abuse impoverishment, and discrimination.

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According to the United Nations, moms and dads, teachers, nursing staff, and doctors, government officials and civil society organizations, religious and community older people, corporate executives and journalists, Youth leaders, along with children and young people themselves, may all play an important part in making World Children’s Day relevant to their cultural groups, communities, and nations.

Consider this Children’s Day extra memorable by giving your child things special that will quickly become her favorite. Browse around’s Kids selection and take advantage of a great discount on this unique Day.

Under Gandhi’s direction, Nehru emerged as a pioneer of India’s campaign for freedom in 1947. He established independent India as a secular, socialist, sovereign, and democratic country. Nehru is regarded as the designer of contemporary India as a result of this.

Following Jawaharlal Nehru’s demise in 1964, a motion was overwhelmingly voted in Parliament to honor him, making his birthday the formal occasion of Children’s Day.

Prior to 1956, India observed Children’s Day around November 20 each year, after the United Nations proclaimed the Day to being Universal Children’s Day in 1954. And as a result, every year following then November 14 has been observed as Children’s Day across India to honor the birth date of the nation’s first Prime Minister.

Schools now plan exciting and encouraging events to commemorate Children’s Day. Many people prepare a speech for Children’s Day. Many institutions encourage students to forego school uniforms in favor of party attire. It’s a happy moment for all the kids, parents, and teachers.


Children are indeed the future’s torchbearers. As a result, every school commemorates this Day with different events such as quizzes, debates, and cultural programs such as dance, music, and theatre. Teachers plan and conduct a variety of cultural activities for their students.

Chacha Nehru often felt that a kid is the potential of the future therefore, on this Day, instructors often explain to the children the necessity of having a joyful childhood in order to create a country with a brighter tomorrow. Many schools also mark the occasion by hosting sporting tournaments.

School teachers frequently invite youngsters from a nearby orphanage or slum to engage alongside the school’s kids. Such acts are highly welcome as youngsters learn to cooperate and accommodate everybody in society. Such acts also foster in children a sense of social justice.

Thus on this occasion, parents and teachers exhibit their love and care for the child by providing gifts, candy, and toys. Institutions also host a variety of talk shows and conferences where inspirational figures from many industries such as athletics, education, culture, and entertainment visit to provide motivational remarks to students.

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