Casual Leave Application – Format, Sample

A Casual Leave Application is a letter that an employee writes when he/she looks for a transitory break from their association for some close-to-home reasons. This not just shows respectability concerning the worker yet, in addition, gives the employer adequate duration to get ready.

Generally, the number and the kind of leaves differ as per the business, the employers, and the state where a worker is found. Various states have varied leave qualifications and leave strategies. Casual leaves are not communicated ahead. The unused casual leaves get slipped by toward the year’s end. They are not encashable.

What is casual leave?

Casual Leave Application is formal responsibility to notify your manager to demand a leave from work referencing your explanation. It works as a written report for the organization. This application clarifies your leave. A thorough and justifiable plea makes it simpler for your bosses to think about the request with no explanations. This application additionally fills in as a lawful record if your request and circumstance fall under the law.

If you are working, studying in an organization, and get any personal work and are accordingly incapable to go to the workplace, then read further to understand the tips, format to write the application for a one day or multiple days leave. Casual leave applications are of two different types: letter format and email format, however, because of innovation and digitization, the email system is generally utilized practically in every section.

Tips To Write A Casual Leave Application

  • Nowadays, organizations offer their representatives the advantage of easygoing leaves where a worker has the privilege to take leaves one time per month. Be that as it may, the employee must tell the individual worried about something similar before taking an application for the leave letter Writing. Thusly, you’ll show your trustworthiness, and it will likewise assist with convincing the individual worried to support your leaves.
  • When composing the letter, you ought to mention the date on or from the day you will need leave and the period of the leave.
  • Writing the letter in a formal and respectful tone is important.
  • You need to state completely the justification behind your leave.
  • The letter’s phrasing ought to be with the end goal that the peruser is convinced, and he naturally rebuffs the leaves.
  • The letter is to be distinct and brief so that the reader gets to know quickly the reason for application.
  • Once you have jotted down the letter, if it’s not too much trouble, check the spelling fog letter.

Casual Leave Letter format

  • To begin with, there will be simply the initial section, where you will present yourself and in a well-mannered manner, you must get to your subject. Your first sentence must deliver an indication to a reader about your Leave application.
  • Following will be the body of a letter where you can write the purpose behind Casual Leave and different information identified with dates. Make sure that you write every necessary basic subtlety without misrepresenting in the body of the letter.
  • In conclusion, you must effectively close down the casual leave application in a gracious and considerate manner.
  • Present the letter before the time: A worker needs to tell their head or particular authority before the time about the casual leaves. When your email or hard copy goes to your supervisor earlier, they’ll need to get another individual to seek the work during your nonappearance.
  • Make use of formal and expert language: Ensure at whatever point you are penning a leave application, it’s important to utilize formal and expert language that demonstrates a decent manner to tell about your leaves.
  • Remember to put your signature at the last of the leave application. Write your name, title, and signature.
  • Keep it brief and exact. Keep your casual leave application in a proper format and include just the necessary data. Making it lengthy and including unimportant data can take you in unfavorable terms.
  • Write down an individual’s name that will take care of your work. Before going on break for the referenced time frame, write the name of the individual for the application letter who will be responsible for your at-risk undertakings that should be performed.
  • Note the specific dates from and till when you will not come to work.
  • Alongside the email, you can likewise append the casual leave application structure for the thought and record-following subtleties.

Mistake to avoid in Casual Leave Application

As you write and alter your letter, keep certain things in mind to avoid mistakes while writing.

  • Inaccurate subtleties: Go through and twofold review to ensure your genuine data is right. See that your leave date, return date, purposes behind leaving, refer to the organization or legitimate strategies that ensure your work while you’re gone.
  • Don’t forget to mention your contact information. Make clear your supervisor knows how to contact you in case of emergencies or announcements. If you would prefer not to be reached, make this understood.
  • Some of your duties might be hard to understand, yet discover a strategy. If your casual leave application includes even a little level of uncertainty, you might wind up getting back to a wreck.
  • An excessive amount of detail: If you babble for a long time, your most significant data might escape through notice. Make it possible and end your letter to a couple of pages and no more.

List of reasons behind taking casual leave

There are certain reasons due to which employees take a break from their association for some close-to-home reasons for which they write the application. So, let’s discuss the Following purposes behind easygoing leave from office or school.

  • Emergency work at home
  • Someone in the family is not well.
  • When any family member or friend is going abroad
  • Or some other personal reasons

How to write a Casual Leave Application?

Your Casual Leave Application will include an opening, a body, Final words. Start with a straightforward and pleasant beginning that gets straightforwardly with the point (for instance, “As you probably are aware, I am here to ask for a Casual Leave this late spring to venture out to Canada to finish my paper”).

The letter body will contain the significant data that your manager should come to understand about your flight date, return date, assumptions upon your return, and anything you anticipate that your employer should do, deal with, or screen during your non-appearance. Your last close down ought to be courteous and attentive.



The Employer’s name


Company name



Your name


Company’s Name



Letter body…………

Thanking you.

Sample 1:

Subject:  Casual Leave Application for one day


Dear Mr. Aditya

I’m writing this application to inform you that I want a day’s leave on 18th September. I have to take my mother to the hospital for checkups as she has had pain throughout the previous two days. However she has been being treated by my family specialist nowadays and taking pills, but a full body checkup is needed once.

I will come back to the workplace on September 19th and you can contact me with my contact number which you can discover in your information base whenever. My genuine much obliged for thinking about my application for leave.

Saying thanks to You,

Yours genuinely


Sample 2: leave application for teacher

Subject: a casual leave from school work to arrange my papers and get my record for which I want a six-day leave.

Dear Sir,

The Principal,

Carmel School,


With due regard, I am writing this letter to inform you that I have a keen interest in marine thus I have applied as a navy seal, and luckily I have received a call letter. Nonetheless, one of the necessities for the post is to check my reports and have my record by my college from where I have been graduated. Therefore, I will need to go to Mumbai to apply for the validation of my certificates.

This will require around 6 days because of the extended procedure of authentication. Hence, I ask you to concede me leave for six days from (Date) To (Date). I will be appreciative to you for this approval.


Management Teacher

Sample 3: Casual Leave Application for half-day leave in email.

Respected Sir,

I’m Aman Singh, operating at your company as Departmental head. I’m writing this letter to tell you that I will need a short leave on 17th September for the second half. The purpose is that I have to take my daughter to the doctor as she is not keeping well these days. As you most likely are aware, I stay in a different city, therefore, I will have to go back home.

You can contact using the call in the happening of any earnestness related to official issues. I hope you understand my situation, therefore you are mercifully mentioned to give me a short leave. I will be very thankful for this thoughtful gesture. I’m anticipating your positive reaction.

Thanking you,

Aman Singh


Sample 4:  For Covid – 19

For the past 2 years, the world is suffering a pandemic, workplaces are moved from association lobbies to homerooms. Thousands are tested covid positive each day in India after the subsequent wave. At the hour of Coronavirus – 19, you need an appropriate rest for faster recuperation. In case you are somebody who is contaminated by Covid – 19 and need to apply for a leave, here is a leave application.


Supervisor’s name

Association Name

Subject: Temporary leave application because of Covid – 19

Regarded Sir/Ma’am,

This is to inform you that I am not keeping well as I have been tested positive for Covid – 19 and need to take a break from work for 14 days. I have taken every important precaution and as endorsed by the specialist I am in isolate for 14 days.

I am sorry for the complication but I have completed all my past works and will email you with every one of the subtleties. I have additionally advised the group about this and allotted the work in a like manner. If any emergency comes immediately reach out to me. I would be grateful if you acknowledge my leave application.

Much obliged to you.

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