How to download gst certificate online in 2021

Goods and Services Tax abbreviated as GST certificate is handed out to every citizen who is enrolled under GST. It is a crucial paper and it is essential to show this certificate in several places. At the time of handling with renowned companies or during opening a business account and to perform a business contract.

This certificate is furthermore necessary to show to authorities at the time of inspection. There will be a GST number presented on your certificate which is needed at several places. The certificate is determined as a valid identity for every kind of business.

GST Number is 15 digits. This Registration Number is PAN based.

  • Initial two digits are implying State Code.
  • The following 10 digits are the taxpayer’s PAN or TAN.
  • Then, the thirteenth digit indicates the total registrations from an individual PAN.
  • Subsequently, the fourteenth symbol is “Z” and implies a type of business.
  • In the end, the last fifteenth character is a check code.

Documents required for GST certificate.

The important documents mandated are

PAN card, evidence of business enrollment, address evidence of business, photos and address information of the boss,  statements of a bank account.

Bank statements, take out from the passbook or cancelled cheque are the things by which you can verify your details of the bank.

Likewise, you can give your address proof by rent agreement, property charge statement, electricity bill, and many more.

What is the Validity of the GST Certificate?

The Certificates handed out to formal citizens don’t carry an expiry date. Therefore, until and unless the registration is not discontinued by the GST administration, it will proceed to stay valid. Still, subject to GST registration of an informal chargeable person or GST registration of a non-resident chargeable individual, the certificate validity is limited to 90 days. The certificate validity can be extended or renewed.

How to get the GST Certificate?

For downloading the certificate after successful enrollment, observe these steps:

  • Go to the
  • Then log in to your account.
  • Type your enrolled Username and Password and login.
  • Go to Services and then choose ‘User Services’ and accordingly choose View or Download Certificate.
  • Hit on the ‘Download’ button and then your GST certificate gets downloaded and will get displayed.

Who can issue a GST certificate?

Each individual enrolled under GST is issued this certificate. The enrolled person can get the certificate in Form GST REG-06 simply from the portal provided by the government and no hard paper is created available by the GST authority.

How can the mistake in GST Registration be amended?

Sometimes, there is a situation when the data on the GST registration certificate gets mistaken, then the person can take a modification on the GST portal. Revision to core field compels authorization by the Tax authorities and on permission, a fresh revised certificate will get downloaded. Few of the core fields in the certificate are:

  • Any type of modification in the formal/ trade business name.
  • The central area of business, Added area of business ( without the state getting changed).
  • Adding or removing of Partners, chief executive, Board of Trustees, Overall Director, etc.

The alteration in the registration certificate can be done by going through the steps described below:

  • Open the GST Portal and log in with your correct credentials.
  • Go to Services and then choose Registration and accordingly go to Revision of Registration link.
  • Remake the modifications expected in any field.
  • Then choose the Verification checkbox.
  • Further choose the approved signatory, in the term of Approved Signatory pop-down menu.
  • Fill in the name of the place, in the given place box.
  • Thereupon completing the registration certificate for Amendment, you have to sign the form digitally by making use of the E-Signature or EVC.

After revising the registration certificate, the candidate must collect the application status stating that the request has been ratified or denied via SMS and e-mail. After the authorization of the candidate, the candidate can see the acceptance order and can furthermore download it on the portal.

Read also: EWS Certificate -Apply Online, Pdf Format & Eligibility

Subjects of GST Certificate

The Certificate downloaded from the authorized portal of GST is only a duplicate of the certificate. However, this copy is extremely crucial. The taxpayer must submit this copy for accomplishing their business at several phases. The Form GST REG-06 is attended by two annexures i.e. A and B. They include distinct subjects.

Annexure A

Annexure A comprises several components regarding the citizen and its business.

  • Enrollment Number
  • Business Name
  • Date of issuing
  • Liability Date
  • Written name i.e. sign
  • The date till which it is legal
  • Legal Name.
  • Enrollment type.
  • Components of Accepting authority.

Annexure B

Annexure B is the different annexure that attends the GST registration certificate. Regarding details of Several people comprised in your business will be present.

It comprises the promoter’s name and their identification in the business, photo of the person. In the case of sole-proprietor, the promoter’s number could be one. And in Pvt. ltd companies, the promoters number can be greater.

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