What is Vilom Shabd and its importance in 2022

The semantic phrase for a word that will have the opposite meaning as another word is just a Vilom Shabd. English word “antonym” is derived from a combination of 2 Greek terms: “anti,” which indicates “opposite,” and “-Onyx,” which is derived from “Onoma,” which means “name.” The term “ Vilom Shabd ” is an antonym as well as of its own: it is the polar opposite of such a synonym, which is a phrase with the same definition as another.

Adjectives such as “hot” and “cold” are common Vilom Shabd, although they can sometimes be nouns, adverbs, even prepositions. Anyone can look up counterterms for particular terms in a thesaurus or perhaps an American English dictionary.

4 Different Types of Antonyms

 The following are the most common forms of antonyms in the English language:

  • The auto-antonym is a term that seems to have two meanings, one of which is the opposite of the other. It goes by a variety of names, which would include “Conym” and “Janus word.” “Bound,” “dust,” “consult,” and “quick” are examples with auto-antonyms.
  • Complementary Vilom Shabd seems to be related words that seem to be absolute opposites. They are also recognized as direct antonyms as well as contradictory antonyms. These exist independently of one another thus do not require the existence of the other term. “Night and day” as well as “inhale and exhale” are two examples of complementing antonyms.
  • Converse antonyms, also known as relational antonyms, are terms that are closely connected but cannot exist without every other. “Near” and “far,” for instance, are converse antonyms since an object cannot be near without being measured.
  • Graded antonyms display differences or grades amongst words that have comparable meanings. While the words “pleased,” “gratified,” “overjoyed,” as well as “content” are all related to “happy,” that has its definition.

Creating Antonyms utilizing Prefixes

Adding specific prefixes to nouns could reveal antonymous relationships:

  • “Dislike (like),” “disappear (appear),” “disobedient (obedient),” as well as “discomfort (comfort)” are instances of antonyms with the prefix “dis-.”
  • I’m- as well as In-: Using the prefixes “im-” or “in-” creates antonymous new nouns.
  • Mis-: One can make antonyms like “misinformation (information),” “misconduct (conduct),” “mislead (lead),” even “misunderstand (understand)” simply by introducing the prefix “Mis-.”
  • Non- & un-: For certain nouns, the prefixes “non-” and “un-” would cause antonymy.

4 Instances of Vilom Shabd

The various types of Vilom Shabd can be found in abundance. Continue reading to view some examples of sentences:

  • Auto-antonym: “Dust” seems to be an auto-antonym when it is employed as a verb. “To gently cover using fine particles,” according to one meaning, while “to clear away light debris” according to the other. Here seem to be two examples of how this distinction might be seen: “She dusted her fireplace mantel,” and “He dusted each cookie with a thin covering of powdered sugar.”
  • Complimentary antonyms: phrases with complementary antonyms include “The boy walked the street” versus “The girl moved to the curb.” Both phrases have independent subjects: the boy does not exist as a result of the girl’s situation.
  • “The pan felt warm” and “The pan seemed cool to the touch” seem to be examples of converse antonyms that are relational opposites. It’s impossible to chill a skillet unless it’s initially hot and afterward warm.
  • Graded antonyms are synonyms and antonyms that have varying meanings. These expressions both mean “excellent,” but they are not on an identical scale: “pleasant” is not similar to “amazing,” even though they are generally positive words.

What Is the Importance of Antonyms?

Surprisingly, we can use the Vilom Shabd, or opposite significance, of a phrase to better comprehend its meaning. Consider the word morose,’ for example. ‘Morose’ is defined as ‘gloomily and sullenly ill-humored.’ Even reading the definition of a phrase in a dictionary does not always provide us with a thorough comprehension of the term. Synonyms and antonyms are usually included in dictionaries.

As an example, here are some synonyms for the word “morose”: “moody,” “sour,” and “sulky.” These are just a couple of antonyms: ‘joyous’ and ‘optimistic.’ They now know that the antonym of “morose” is “joyous” and even “optimistic”! A closer examination of the synonyms, as well as antonyms, yields a more precise definition.

During writing, you can use antonyms

 Occasionally we get stuck while deciding which word to utilize in a statement, or we use similar words over and over again. For example, we might be seeking a term that is the polar opposite of ‘brave,’ but we don’t want to use the word scared.’ We will see if we can beat the Vilom Shabd challenge as well come up with a better word!

We discover words such as ‘chickenhearted,’ ‘cowardly,’ as well as ‘gutless’ whenever we look up the definition ‘courageous’ then scroll down to the series of Vilom Shabd. These terms are greater vivid than just the word “sacred,” and then we can improve your writing by utilizing more vivid words.

What is the purpose of using synonyms and antonyms?

To Help You Expand Your Vocabulary Synonyms plus antonyms might help you expand your vocabulary. Identifying words with equivalent meanings that you could substitute for a commonly used word might provide you with more options for expressing yourself. Discovering synonyms and antonyms could also assist you in learning a word’s numerous meanings.

Understanding antonyms plus synonyms will help you expand your vocabulary significantly. There are also efficient methods for learning them.

  • Do not believe that you must learn a large number of synonyms or antonyms at once.

This vocabulary is sufficient for you, regardless of your current English level. Every one of those words isn’t required straight away.

  • At the time, only acquire one synonym or antonym.

 Only study a few and keep track of the terminology you acquire. Don’t try to memorize all of the synonyms on even a single line.

  • Keep it simple by using the most frequent and helpful words.

We don’t need to make learning four and five synonyms for each word a rigorous guideline. I appreciate your desire to expand your vocabulary, however, Rome was not built in a day.

  • Synonyms, as well as antonyms, should never be learned at the same time.

It is indeed difficult to remember them in pairs. Instead, divide them into pieces or compartments in your thoughts. If you recall them in pairs, you’ll miss out on terms you don’t understand nor won’t be able to employ.


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