Formal Letter Format -Types and Sample in 2022

A formal letter is one written in an efficient, regular language and a particular prescribed format. A formal letter is written for official purposes, like jotting down a letter to the administrator, to the director, to a worker, to the Principal of the school or college, and so on. We don’t write formal letters to parents, friends, or for any personal use. The formal letter format has some particular rules.

Additionally, the letters must be written in a professional language. Writing a letter to the principal in the school or college for leave by clearly stating the reason is an example of a formal letter.

Typically, these letters are written in English in privately owned businesses. Be that as it may, in India, many organizations, particularly government firms, acknowledge formal letters written in the Hindi language.

Indeed, the letter formats are likewise taught to the understudies in schools with the goal that they would have the option to compose the letters for a specific circumstance to their instructors and administrators.

A formal letter is the important representation of communication in the public authority and goes about as composed confirmation. At the point when we contrast the formal letter with the informal one, we can notice that this formal form is generally utilized in the present advancement.

Accordingly, having the format to write such kind of letter turns out to be progressively vital. There are different formats of penning this letter. So here, I will refer to a wide range of formal letter formats. In this article, you will get the idea to write the proper formal letter format stepwise.

How to Write a Formal Letter Format?

Senders Address

The main component of a formal letter is the sender’s address. The full address of the sender must be mentioned to avoid any confusion and the address should be completed in 2-3 lines.

Remember to write your Pin-code in the location. In case you’re sending a letter to somebody who lives abroad, you should write the nation’s name. You should put the date after completing the address. You can compose the date in an assortment of ways, for example,

Receiver Address

The second most component of the formal letter format is the receiver address. The receiver’s address is started with the term To, and then the address on the proceeding line. Generally, the receiver’s profession is also written in the address.


The main portion of the formal letter is the subject that describes the matter of the letter. The subject depends on the issue of the letter but it should be of 1 or 2 lines. Since formal letters are utilized in business and due to lack of time the recipients only study the subject of the letter and get the idea about the issue written in the letter. Therefore, it’s essential to make your subject meaningful with the goal that perusers comprehend why you’re composing.


Salutation is a greeting word that is used in the letter. The greeting comprises two words: one prefix and the individual’s calling or name. Generally, we write “Dear” or “Respected”. If you are familiar with the person’s name then use Mr./Mrs. along with dear. Else, you can write “Dear Sir” for any proper letter.

It turns out to be seriously attractive and fanatical when you remember these perspectives while making a letter. So, let’s start with the conventional letter body.

Opening Paragraph

The first passage is for introducing oneself and writing the justification behind sending the letter. In this passage, you ought not to expound on the explanation; write a basic one-line reason. The first passage should not be more than 2-3 sentences.

Body of Content

The body of content is for explaining the reason for the letter properly. So, it is generally lengthy as compared to the first and final paragraph but it must not be of more than 5-6 sentences.

Closing Paragraph

The last paragraph is the passage, where we end the letter and request that the recipient thinks about the issue. Additionally on account of them for giving their exact time for perusing your letter. In the wake of finishing the passage, write sentences like “ hope to get a positive response from your side” and “thanking you”.

Formal letter Format

The Formal letter format is given below:
Sender’s name: …………………………………………
Address: …………………………………………………..
Date: ……/……./……………

Recipients name
Company’s name

Dear Sir/ Madam

(Body of the letter)

Thanking you. Hope to see a positive response from your side.

Yours sincerely

Format of Resignation letter

An example of a formal letter is a resignation letter which an employee puts down to his director if he/she wants to leave his workplace for a specific reason. So, here is the sample of the resignation letter in a proper formal letter format:
Sender’s name

Recipients name
Company’s name

Subject: Writing a letter of resignation from the organization.

I am writing this letter to bring to your notice that I am resigning from the designation (…………), which was given to me on………(date of joining).

Thank you that you found me suitable for this position and for every chance you have given me to grow myself and work for the development of the organization. I have enjoyed working here for these years ( no. of years worked). And also I thank you for the personal growth which has made me more concentrated and enthusiastic towards the work.

I apologize for every mistake I have done during these years. If you need any help during this transition contact me.
Yours sincerely,

Types of Formal Letters format

Formal Letter of Enquiry

The inquiry letter is written for gathering data. The most used formal letter is the inquiry letter as it helps an individual to collect data like for course or for job inquiry, the terms and conditions, prices of any product or service, and so on.
So, the points that should be remembered while writing are

  1. Give a short presentation about yourself
  2. Include the name of the association (optional)
  3. Provide clear insights concerning the inquiry matter.
  4. Present your inquiries and uncertainty in an unmistakable and justifiable structure

Formal Letter Format for Enquiry

Outer Ring road
September 26, 2021

The Principal
Accent Classes

Dear Sir,

Sub: Enquiry about CA Coaching Classes.

I am writing this letter to you after seeing your advertisement in the ‘ABCD Times’ for CA Coaching classes. I’m enthused about joining your institution for the classes.

So, I want to know about the process of filling the form to be qualified for getting enrolled in the institute. I would likewise want to know the term of the coaching program, the duration, and the classes each week alongside the method of classes. Also about the fee structure and the study materials.

I want to get enrolled as fast as possible. Your quick reply will empower me to choose quickly.

Saying thanks to you.

With kind respects

Also Read: Legal letter format guide – do’s & don’t

Formal Letter of Complaint

Assume you put in a request for certain things. The quality guaranteed and the nature of the things got isn’t something similar or you have any complaints regarding the facilities provided by the government. How will you respond? This is the place where the letter of the complaint becomes an essential factor. So while writing such letter, remember certain things

  1. One should give the complete information of the issue confronted
  2. Specify what conclusion you expect to be taken
  3. Give a cutoff time to respond
  4. Utilize well mannered yet decisive words in regards to the issue
  5. Never excuse or make any claim without help from anyone else

Formal Letter Format for Complaint

Manish Kumar
ABC society,
Lajpat Nagar,
Kolkata- 400043
26th September 2021.

The Mayor,
Kolkata Municipal Corporation,

Subject: Letter concerning the damaged street lights in our locality.

Dear Sir,
I am Manish Kumar, a resident of Lajpat Nagar located in Kolkata. On behalf of every member of my society, I am writing this letter to bring to your notice that street lights in our locality is damaged for the past 3 months.

Despite complaining several times to the authority, our problem has not been looked into. The lack of street lights. has increased the number of accidents and robberies in our society.

So, I request you to take our issue into concern and get the new street lights in our society. Expecting a favourable solution.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
Manish Kumar

Formal Order Letter

A buyer writes a letter to the dealer regarding the order for some products. Such a letter is an order letter. So write the letter decently by following certain things:

  1. Mention the products being requested. It should have total data like the amount of the products, model number (if conceivable), size, weight, and so forth
  2. The information regarding the transportation should likewise be given. The method of transportation, delivering area and the ideal date for the products to be sent should be mentioned clearly.
  3. The method of payment should be referenced.

Formal Letter Format for Order

XYZ Business
Pitampura Road

September 23, 2021

The Manager
Zuari Furniture
Khalifabag Road

Dear Sir,

Sub: Placing request for furniture.

As we talked earlier on the telephone regarding the order of the furniture for my company. Now I agree to place the order.
As we have talked about, I am sending a cheque of Rs 15,000 as settlement ahead of time. The rest will be paid as soon as the furniture is delivered. So, transport the above request to the previously mentioned address.

Hope to get the order in three working days.

Saying thanks to You.

Yours truly

Difference between Formal letter format and Informal letter

Formal Letter Format

  1. Formal letters are for government offices, companies, and so on.
  2. The person from whom the letter is being written isn’t a companion or any other individual you know.
  3. We write formal words and use a professional tone while writing the formal letter to make a decent understanding of the recipient.
  4. You close down at the base left of the page with Yours sincerely or faithfully.

Informal Letter Format

  1. Informal letters are written to keep in touch with companions.
  2. The motive of composing an informal letter isn’t to stop a grievance or ask about something, and the tone is similarly light.
  3. Informal letters are like free-form swimming in that you can write in any way and expression you like.
  4. There is no standard system to pursue, and there is no need to write an informal style and tone.
  5. You close down at the base with yours affectionately or with adoration.

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