How to get a BPL certificate in India – 2021

A BPL certificate is handed out to the weaker section of people. The certificate is granted in the name of family’s head person, also the other family members name is mentioned in the certificate so that they can make use of the certificate to get the help marked for BPL families. Families that are under the BPL section get 10kg to 20kg grains each month at an economic cost. The quantity of the food grains and price are different in every state.

Below Poverty Line abbreviated as BPL shows the people who are economically weaker and in critical requirement of government help for households.

The government has set an income limit and if a person has income below that limit is considered to be below the poverty line.

To support BPL section people, the government has initiated many schemes so that to fulfill their general requirements like shelter, food, and clothes.

The Government adopts several parameters to find out the number of people below poverty line sections.

BPL certificate eligibility

  • The government has fixed the income limit as 27,000, the person’s income coming below this will be given the advantages of government schemes. However, the income limit may vary in some states according to the government.
  • The person under the below poverty line section should be an inhabitant of the state.
  • And the person eligible must be an Indian citizen.

No charge is taken to make the certificate, only a fee for fastening stamp might be needed. The validity of the certificate is as indicated in the certificate.

How to get a BPL certificate?

To get the certificate, ready the necessary documents and follow the instructions. So below we have talked about the process of getting the certificate:

  1. The eligible person has to take the mandated certificates to the respective municipal administration, village Panchayat or Block Panchayat.
  2. Take the application form of the certificate or follow some other method as advised.
  3. Complete the form with correct details and submit it to the receiving authority along with the mandatory documents.
  4. The application form and documents will be verified for further process. The authority will give a list number for consideration after making the entry in the register.
  5. The record number must be kept safe because it is for future reference.
  6. Further, the department authorities will do a ground-level inspection of the documents and details.

After the respective authority finds the documents and details true, the certificate is issued to the eligible person.

The necessary documents needed for the BPL certificate are:

  1. Identity proof
  2. Ration Card
  3. Aadhar Card
  4. Passport size photograph
  5. Income statement
  6. Residential Proof
  7. Birth or school certificate for age confirmation.
  8. Attach stamp as explained by administrations if expected.

BPL Certificate Format

BPL Certificate format comprises the following details:

  1. Family yearly income
  2. District Name
  3. Family’s head name
  4. Residential address
  5. Father’s or Husband’s name
  6. Caste
  7. Issuance year
  8. Name of municipality and details
  9. Signature and name of administering authority.
  10. Family members number

BPL Certificate Form

BPL Certificate form is provided to people to apply for the BPL certificate. The BPL Certificate form format is as shown below:
Candidates name
Contact no
Email Id

The Chief authority
………Municipal Council
(District name)
Respected sir,
I would like to inform you that, I am registered to be below the poverty line with enrollment no …….in the (district name) Municipal council.
Hence, I request you to hand out a BPL certificate so that all I can get the help of the government for basic needs. All the mandatory documents required are enclosed herewith.
Yours faithfully,

The schemes commenced by the government to help the BPL section The families belonging to the BPL section are given advantages in all the sectors like medical, financial, insurance policies.

Various schemes offer different advantages to those families therefore BPL certificate is important so that one can get the help of the government. So, Schemes initiated by the government for the help of BPL are:


PMJDY that stands for Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana is a scheme launched by the government for families belonging below the poverty line.

The scheme was disclosed in 2014 through which the BPL families receive entry to financial assistance like deposit and savings account, pension, credit, etc at accessible ratios.

The benefits through this scheme are that no minimum balance will have to be maintained in the account, 4% annually will be given on the deposit money, overdraft facility of approx Rs5,000 is accessible after 6 months of managing a bank account.

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PMJJBY stands for Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana is a scheme launched in 2015 by the government offers great benefit.

It offers a year renewable life insurance policy that gives Rs 2lakh life coverage with an Rs300 yearly premium. Via auto-debit facility, the premium gets cut from the saving account of the holder. The candidate can get the death advantage.


RSBY known as Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana is a scheme introduced in 2008 for the BPL families offers gives health insurance.

The street vendors, welfare boards, licensed porters are the ones who are provided the health insurance coverage.

The card is given to BPL sections that help them to get medical care fees to Rs 3,000 annually with Rs 30 premium. Rs100 per Transportation charges for a hospital visit is given, with an ultimate Rs1,000 limit.

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